dissabte, 25 d’abril del 2015

La primavera ja es aquí!!! / Spring is here to stay!!!

Doncs si, la primavera ja és aquí... fa dies!!!! jajaja!!!
Però jo encara no havia tingut temps d'ensenyar-vos el que hem preparat per celebrar-ho a l'escola bressol! A la classe del Guim ens va tocar com a tema els ocells, així que vam triar aquest ocellet de ganxet que vam trobar al blog rus 88 crafts (que sembla no estar ja disponible...).

Està d'allò més content a la seva branqueta!! ;P
A sota us deixo el patró traduït al català, per si us animeu a fer-lo!
  • Fil acrílic o de cotó en els colors que preferiu
  • Ganxet de 3,5 mm
  • Llana o guata per farcir el cos de l'ocell
  • Agulla gruixuda per rematar
  • cd - cadeneta
  • pr - punt ras
  • pb - punt baix
  • augm - augment: feu dos punts baixos al mateix punt
  • dism – disminució: tanqueu dos punts baixos junts
  • Volta 1: Feu un anell màgic amb 6 pb.
  • Volta 2: Feu 1 augm en cada punt de la volta (12)
  • Volta 3: *1 augm, 1 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (18)
  • Volta 4: *1 augm, 2 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (24)
  • Volta 5: *1 augm, 3 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (30)
  • Volta 6: *1 augm, 4 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (36)
  • Volta 7: *1 augm, 5 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (42)
  • Volta 8: *1 augm, 6 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (48)
  • Voltes 9-13: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (48)
  • Volta 14: *1 augm, 7 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (54)
  • Volta 15: *1 augm, 8 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (60)
  • Volta 16: *1 augm, 9 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (66)
  • Voltes 17-20: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (66)
  • Volta 21: *1 dism, 9 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (60)
  • Volta 22: *1 dism, 8 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (54)
  • Volta 23: *1 dism, 7 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (48)
  • Volta 24: *1 dism, 6 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (42)
  • Volta 25: *1 dism, 5 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (36)
  • Volta 26: *1 dism, 4 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (30)
  • Volta 27: *1 dism, 3 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (24). Aprofiteu per farcir el cos.
  • Volta 28: *1 dism, 2 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (18)
  • Volta 29: *1 dism, 1 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (12)
  • Volta 30: *1 dism, 4 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (10). Tanqueu i entreu fils.
Not 2 late to craft: patró ocell de ganxet / crochet bird pattern
  • Volta 1: Feu un anell màgic amb 6 pb (6)
  • Volta 2: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (6)
  • Volta 3: Feu 1 augm en cada punt de la volta (12)
  • Voltes 4-5: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (12). Deixeu un fil llarg per cosir-lo al cos (sense farcir).
Ales (feu-ne dues):
  • Volta 1: Feu un anell màgic amb 6 pb (6)
  • Volta 2: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (6)
  • Volta 3: Feu 1 augm en cada punt de la volta (12)
  • Volta 4: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (12)
  • Volta 5: *1 augm, 1 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (18)
  • Volta 6: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (18)
  • Volta 7: *1 augm, 2 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (24)
  • Voltes 8-10: Feu 1 pb en cada punt de la volta (24)
  • Volta 11: *1 dism, 1 dism, 4 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (18)
  • Volta 12: *1 dism, 1 dism, 2 pb*, repetiu * en tota la volta (12)
  • Volta 13: Feu dism en tota la volta (6). Tanqueu i deixeu el fil llarg per cosir les ales al cos.
Potes (feu-ne dues):
  • Feu 3 pb en un anell màgic, *1 pr, 6 cd, 5 pr (1 a cada cd, a partir de la segona) *, repetiu * 3 vegades. Feu 1 darrer pr dins l'anell i tanqueu-lo. Deixeu un fil llarg per cosir-les al cos.

  • En un anell màgic feu *1 pr, 6 cd, 5 pr (1 a cada cd, a partir de la segona) *, repetiu * 5 vegades. Feu 1 darrer pr dins l'anell i tanqueu-lo. Deixeu un fil llarg per cosir-la al cos.

  • Cresta:
    • En un anell màgic feu *1 pr, 6 cd, 5 pr (1 a cada cd, a partir de la segona) *, repetiu * 3 vegades. Feu 1 darrer pr dins l'anell i tanqueu-lo. Deixeu un fil llarg per cosir-la al cos.
    Només us falta unir les peces al cos i brodar els ulls!
    Gràcies per la visita!!
    Spring has come, finally!! Actually, it did some weeks ago already...
    ...but I hadn't had the time to show you what we've prepared to celebrate the fact at pre-school!
    The theme at my son's class was everything related to birds, so I crocheted this little birdie I found on at the russian blog 88 crafts (which doesn't seem to be available any more...).
    Not 2 late to craft: patró ocell de ganxet / crochet bird pattern
    He's having so much fun between our strawberry plants!! LOL
    Here you have the pattern translated to english:
    • Crochet yarn in colors of your choice
    • 3,5 mm size crochet hook
    • Filling
    • Tapestry needle to join parts and weave in ends
    • ch - chain
    • sl - slip stitch
    • sc - single crochet
    • incr – single crochet increase
    • decr – single crochet decrease
    • Pattern:
    • Round 1: make a magic ring with 6 sc.
    • Round 2: crochet an incr in all the stitches of round (12)
    • Round 3: *1 incr, 1 sc*, repeat * around (18)
    • Round 4: *1 incr, 2 sc*, repeat * around (24)
    • Round 5: *1 incr, 3 sc*, repeat * around (30)
    • Round 6: *1 incr, 4 sc*, repeat * around (36)
    • Round 7: *1 incr, 5 sc*, repeat * around (42)
    • Round 8: *1 incr, 6 sc*, repeat * around (48)
    • Rounds 9-13: 1 sc in all the stitches of the round (48)
    • Round 14: *1 incr, 7 sc*, repeat * around (54)
    • Round 15: *1 incr, 8 sc*, repeat * around (60)
    • Round 16: *1 incr, 9 sc*, repeat * around (66)
    • Rounds 17-20: 1 sc in all the stitches of the round (66)
    • Round 21: *1 decr, 9 sc*, repeat * around (60)
    • Round 22: *1 decr, 8 sc*, repeat * around (54)
    • Round 23: *1 decr, 7 sc*, repeat * around (48)
    • Round 24: *1 decr, 6 sc*, repeat * around (42)
    • Round 25: *1 decr, 5 sc*, repeat * around (36)
    • Round 26: *1 decr, 4 sc*, repeat * around (30)
    • Round 27: *1 decr, 3 sc*, repeat * around (24). Stuff the body.
    • Round 28: *1 decr, 2 sc*, repeat * around (18)
    • Round 29: *1 decr, 1 sc*, repeat * around (12)
    • Round 30: *1 decr, 4 sc*, repeat * around (10). Join and weave in ends.
    • Round 1: make a magic ring with 6 sc.
    • Round 2: crochet 1 sc in all the stitches of round (6)
    • Round 3: crochet an incr in all the stitches of round (12)
    • Rounds 4-5: crochet 1 sc in all stitches of the round (12). Join and leave a long end. Do not stuff.
    Not 2 late to craft: patró ocell de ganxet / crochet bird pattern
    Wings (make 2):

    • Round 1: make a magic ring with 6 sc.
    • Round 2: crochet 1 sc in all the stitches of round (6)
    • Round 3: crochet an incr in all the stitches of round (12)
    • Round 4: crochet 1 sc in all stitches of the round (12).
    • Round 5: *1 incr, 1 sc*, repeat * around (18)
    • Round 6: crochet 1 sc in all stitches of the round (18).
    • Round 7: *1 incr, 2 sc*, repeat * around (24)
    • Rounds 8-10: crochet 1 sc in all stitches of the round (24)
    • Round 11: *1 decr, 1 decr, 4 sc*, repeat * around (18)
    • Round 12: *1 decr, 1 decr, 2 sc*, repeat * around (12)
    • Round 13: crochet decr all around (6). Join and leave a long end.
    Feet (make 2):
    • Into a magic ring, crochet 3 sc, *1 sl, 6 ch, 5 sl (one in every ch starting at the 2nd chain from hook)*, repeat * 3 times. Make one last sl in the ring and join. Leave a long end.
    • Into a magic ring, crochet *1 sl, 6 ch, 5 sl (one in every ch starting at the 2nd chain from hook)*, repeat * 5 times. Make one last sl in the ring and join. Leave a long end.
    • Into a magic ring, crochet *1 sl, 6 ch, 5 sl (one in every ch starting at the 2nd chain from hook)*, repeat * 3 times. Make one last sl in the ring and join. Leave a long end.
    Join the pieces to the body and sew the eyes.
    Thanks for your visit!!

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